
Too Many Leadership Competencies

I received some push back on the post about the number of competencies -- comments such as these --

"Your list is not comprehensive."

"Leadership is too complex to be covered by a short list like that."

"Your list misses the competency of "values."

I think this merits more consideration.

Consider the following well-written blog post from Steve Arneson (


"In their 2001 book The Leadership Machine, Michael Lombardo and Robert Eichinger presented a leadership competency framework that included 67 competencies. Yes, you read that right – 67. That’s a lot of competencies for us to master!  Based on extensive research, the list covers the universe of leadership competencies, from “price of admission” skills like ethics and integrity to competitive differentiators such as business acumen and decision quality.   The list is so exhaustive that when the authors examined over 100 corporate leadership competencies, they found that 85% of those competencies could be found in their framework. Leadership may be a complex animal, but it certainly has been well examined and classified." 

The Leadership Machine is a very worthwhile lead for anyone wanting to know more about leadership competencies.

I plan to explore this some more in the next few blogs.