
Exceptional Leadership Competency Model

There are many leadership competency models. Many of them have lists of competencies that number close to 100. I find lists that long not useful in my work as a search consultant and an executive coach. I think it is important to distill competencies down to the critical few. This was the goal when Dr. Andy Garman and I wrote our book in 2006. Our model presented only 16 critical leadership competencies that we felt were hallmarks of highly effective leaders.


The 16 Competencies fit within four cornerstones – Well-Cultivated Self Awareness; Compelling Vision; Real Way With People; Masterful Execution. Exceptional leaders are strong in these areas. The 16 competencies fit within the Four Cornerstones as follows:

Well-Cultivated Self Awareness

  • Living by Personal Conviction
  • Possessing Emotional Intelligence

Compelling Vision

  • Being Visionary
  • Communicating Vision
  • Earning Loyalty and Trust

Real Way With People

  • Listening Like You Mean It
  • Giving Feedback
  • Mentoring Others
  • Developing Teams
  • Energizing Staff

Masterful Execution

  • Generating Informal Power
  • Building Consensus
  • Making Decisions
  • Driving Results
  • Stimulating Creativity
  • Cultivating Adaptability

Competencies provided from Exceptional Leadership: 16 Critical Competencies for Healthcare Executives, Carson F. Dye & Andrew N. Garman, Health Administration Press, 2006