Physician Leadership

Physician Leadership

Physicians in Management vs. Leadership Positions

Leadership and Management Are Not the Same – and in physician administrative positions, the different is key.

 “Although often used interchangeably, leadership and management are not the same. The fundamental core of leadership is change, while the core of management is ensuring there is order and consistency in day-to-day processes.”

The above quote is from an article I wrote for the September/October 2014 Healthcare Executive. The article, “Physician in Management vs. Leadership Positions,”

Organizations that understand the difference between management and leadership roles can better support the success of physicians who move out of their clinical practices and into different roles within healthcare.


"Building Strong Partnerships with CMOs."

 July 2014 HFM Journal

This is an article I wrote for the July 2014 HFM Journal (Journal of the Healthcare Financial Management Association). Entitled, "Building Strong Partnerships with CMOs," it suggests that there are actually many similarities between financial types and physicians.

Clinical Integration requires that these two leaders be "joined at the hip" and be in sync. The article explores commonalities between the two and suggests ways financial leaders can further enhance the working relationships with physician leaders.